Physical Health and Social Benefits | Improved Mental Health and Well Being
Participation in Move Through Yoga’s adaptive yoga programming – grounded in yoga holistic principles and disciplines of breathing, movement, and stillness – has been shown to
mitigate isolation, reduce stress, and foster inclusiveness.

Individuals Demonstrate
Individuals who practice adaptive yoga with Move Through Yoga-trained teachers demonstrate:
- A noticeable sense of calm during and after class
- Greater use of self- regulation skills
- Improved spatial and body awareness.
- A stronger connection with their peers

Professionals Report
Professionals who participate in Move Through Yoga’s adaptive yoga training program report:
- Feeling more equipped and prepared to serve individuals with different physical and cognitive needs
- Noticing an increase in their students’ overall engagement and enjoyment of the class
- Observing that they felt calmer and more aware of their own unregulated states, along with their students.

Who Benefits From Our programs?
Move Through Yoga’s adaptive yoga training programs strengthen the skills of professionals who regularly or occasionally work with individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities. Our programs directly support and can be applied to a diverse range of careers and professions, including:
- K-12 educators of all subject areas
- Postsecondary education programs, degrees, and certifications
- Occupational and physical therapy
- Agencies, day programs, and camps
- Professionals serving individuals who are neuro diverse and physically challenged (ie: autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome)
Studies Reveal
Increased exercise behaviors are especially important among young adults with intellectual disabilities as they have higher risks of obesity and secondary health conditions, and are much less likely to meet the physical activity recommendations of the CDC.
The National Library Of Medicine
Research indicates that the use of a structured yoga exercise program for young adults with intellectual disabilities reduces the risks of obesity and other health related risks commonly associated with this population.
The National Library Of Medicine
The use of a structured yoga program for young adults with intellectual disabilities fosters inclusiveness, reduces stress, and mitigates health risks.
The National Library Of Medicine