Move Through Yoga


Move Through Yoga Workshops

We offer a wide range of workshops that can be tailored for specific audiences.  Whether you are a professional or parent, we have a workshop that is appropriate for you. Our signature 1.5 day workshop equips participants with several breathing, movement, and regulation strategies that are immediately accessible and inclusive for diverse settings and populations. 

We want to bring to the forefront ways to break down barriers that keep neuro and physically diverse individuals isolated at home, in schools, in the community and at work.

  • This limited introduction, 8-hour (in-person) workshop is for professionals working in physical therapy, occupational therapy, or some other movement specialties (i.e. yoga teachers, trainers, adapted physical education teachers), and have experience working with individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities.  The half-day component is done remotely prior to the in-person sessions. 
  • This workshop provides participants with some  key strategies for leveraging Move Through Yoga’s methodology. 
  • Participants will gain cursory knowledge in adaptive yoga, and emotional regulation appropriate to particular physical and learning needs of individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities.
  • Participants learn how to use some props and other adaptations to establish a trauma-conscious and safe environment.
  • This workshop is not a training, and is only to serve as an introduction to what the longer training course will entail.
  • This workshop does not have time built in for skill application in practice with clients who have I/DD.

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(970) 445-4883


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